pmr . !!
Saturday, December 18, 2010 • 8:06 PM • 0 comments
yehaaaak . . kptusan pmr akn diumumkn pd 23.12.2010 . . heheh . . mcm ne ea rsult aq t . . bek or bruk . .mx2 larh A byk . . amin . . target y aq nk 5a or 6a . . klu 8a lg bgos .. hahahahak . . lg 4 ae mnunggu kptusan y xpsti bg kte y ambk pmr ta0n nieyh . . aq mx ae khamis(23.12.2010) mnjdi titik tolak utk aq mju ke hdapan bsma kptusan y bkal d ambil nnti . . YA TUHAN , bg larh aq mndpt kputusan y lulus cmerlang . . AMIN AMIN AMIN . .

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